Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a joint effort through where we work one-on-one in a safe, judgment free, and confidential environment. Identifying pieces of their lives that they would like to change, better understand themselves and/or others, and work toward the desired changes.  The overall goal of therapy is to increase one’s sense of well-being.

Substance Abuse

We believe that individuals with long-term substance abuse problems have experienced something that makes then unable to fully participate in their life. Not knowing how to handle the past or everyday life we start searching for a way to ease the burden.  Very rarely is it just about the desire and effects. We have to heal from the past then learn how to handle the everyday chaos.  Turning to a substance to cope in the past may have been effective, but the side effects were huge.  In some cases those side effects include jeopardising health, your home, relationships even your freedom. That is a pretty high price to pay for a coping mechanism. I describe it as using a sledge hammer to put a tac in the wall. The tac definitely went in the wall, but we demolished half the wall in our efforts. Instead, lets use tools that are meant to be a coping mechanism. Through treatment we address the past so we can leave it where it belongs, in the past. Then , the aim is at arming clients with the skills to successfully

Marriage and Family Therapy

I have a different approach to marriage counseling. I start with asking the couple to picture when they were happy together…. then I ask how old that picture is in their minds. The thing about memories is they fade so when we are using that picture to fight for our marriage or relationship its even harder when that picture is fuzzy. The goal of marriage counseling is to understand the relationship dynamic of the couple, and to identify areas of strain and frustration which add stress to the relationship. In marriage counseling, the couple can explore their perception of the relationship, their expectations of each other, and the situations which may be causing them to feel alienated from each other. Through this the couple works toward coming back together as a unit

What is NADA  Acupuncture?

The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA).

Trained clinicians apply up to five fine-gauge, sterilized, one-time use stainless steel needles just under the skin at designated points in each ear (it doesn't hurt or I would not have made it through the class). The needles remain there 30-45 minutes. The procedure functions as an add-on to another treatment program that offers other therapeutic elements such as counseling, education, family involvement, mutual support group involvement, and hypnotherapy.  Benefits reported by both clients and clinicians are lower anxiety, decreased depression, better sleep, a more optimistic and cooperative attitude, improved program retention. When paired with addiction treatment clients report reductions in cravings.


People who struggle with addiction are often in denial about their situation or are unwilling to seek treatment. Sometimes they don't recognize the negative effects of their behavior on themselves or on the people around them.  An intervention is a structured opportunity to address these issues and initiate treatment. During an intervention family, friends and others involved in the person’s life come together to tell the person about the effect of their unhealthy behaviors and ask them to accept help. As the therapist coordinating the intervention we have experience with what works and what does not. The intention is not to have this abrasive tough love situation. Trust me when I say interventions can go sideways really quickly if not done right. Ideally we create a nonjudgmental, helpful, loving experience. Before the meeting we create a prearranged treatment action plan with clear steps, goals and guidelines to help the person take the first step toward recovery.

My overall Mission

My mission is pretty simple- I am here to help. I actually care about my clients and between the two of us we try to figure out what is going on and how to address it. My practice is small intentionally so I can spend the time and effort on each client.

Bedford has helped accomplish over 200 of its partners’ major conservation goals. They inspire everyone to care for the planet.
— John Smith, Nature Conservancy Magazine

What We've Achieved

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  • Morbi eu elit in justo auctor dignissim. Sed ultrices eget neque tellus.

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  • Donec condimentum enim sit amet felis dignissim laoreet adipiscing porta.

  • Vivamus egestas urna sed lorem sagittis, id lacinia erat porta cras.

  • Morbi eu elit in justo auctor dignissim. Sed ultrices eget neque tellus.

  • Sed fermentum eget velit at eleifend. Donec volutpat est a felis pulvinar.